巴黎网约车司机播放中国国歌:We love China! 巴黎时间7月30日,湖南日报全媒体特派记者乘坐的网约车上,司机突然播放中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》并与记者合唱。 司机Karim说自己来自突尼斯,是“一带一路”沿线国家之一,他非常热爱中国。记者下车时,他还用中文说了“谢谢”...
The priorities of the new government are not dissimilar to what we are laser focused on in China, namely the pursuit of high-quality economic development and high-level opening-up, advancing along the Chinese Path to Modernization, the ulti...
We are with you, China! People around the world send messages of encouragement to the Chinese people in their fight against the novel coronavirus.
在好莱坞环球影城游玩的蔡徐坤一路被粉丝跟随,他被外国人误认为韩国团队,蔡徐坤淡定回答:Nine percent ,we are a group,we are Chinese!网友表示:心中有国,胸中有团,眼睛里有自信的光点闪烁!真的被异国他乡这么一句坚定而有力的回答给戳到了。”
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